Electron Spectroscopy Group Alumni
Run Yang
Research Associate
Group SC03, National Laboratory for Superconductivity
Institute of Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhongguancun Nansanjie 8, Haidian
Beijing 100190, China
Tel: 0086-10-82648502
email: yangrun1988@gmail.com
home page

Recent Publications
Temperature-tunable Fano resonance induced by strong coupling between Weyl fermions and phonons in TaAs,
B. Xu, Y.M. Dai, L.X. Zhao, K. Wang, R. Yang, W. Zhang, J.Y. Liu, H. Xiao, G.F. Chen, S.A. Trugman,
J.-X. Zhu, A.J. Taylor, D.A. Yarotski, R.P. Prasankumar and X.G. Qiu,
Nature Commun. 8, 14933 (2017).

Anomalous phonon behavior in superconducting CaKFe4As4: An optical study,
Run Yang, Yaomin Dai, Bing Xu, Wei Zhang, Ziyang Qui, Qiangtao Sui, Christopher C. Homes, and Xianggang Qui,
Phys. Rev. B 95, 064506 (2017).

Optical study of the antiferromagnetic ordered state in electron-overdoped Ca0.77Nd0.23FeAs2,
Run Yang, Bing Xu, Yaomin Dai, Wei Zhang, Jinyun Liu, Ziyang Qiu, and Xianggang Qiu,
Phys. Rev. B 93, 245110 (2016).

Optical spectroscopy of the Weyl semimetal TaAs,
B. Xu, Y. M. Dai, L. X. Zhao, K. Wang, R. Yang, W. Zhang, J. Y. Liu, H. Xiao, G. F. Chen, A. J. Taylor,
D. A. Yarotski, R. P. Prasankumar, and X. G. Qiu
Phys. Rev. B 93, 121110(R) (2016).

Formation of As-As bond and its effect on absence of superconductivity in the collapsed tetragonal
phase of Ca0.86Pr0.14Fe2As2: An optical spectroscopy study,
Run Yang, Congcong Le, Lei Zhang, Bing Xu, Wei Zhang, Kashif Nadeem, Hong Xiao, Jiangping Hu,and Xianggang Qiu,
Phys. Rev. B 91, 224507 (2015).

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Thursday, October 17, 2024 01:55 PM.