Welcome to the
unofficial web site for the Infrared component of the Electronic Structure
Techniques (EST) Group within the
National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLSII) at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long
Island, New York; this group was previously known as the Soft X-ray
Scattering and Spectroscopy (SXSS) Group. This site will focus on the capabilities of the MET
and future INF infrared beamlines at the
NSLS II. In addition, there is
Infrared Lab located in 1L-L10 that serves as an off-line facility to support beamline
operations. Collaborative research is also carried out through the
proposal system on a variety of materials,
including strongly correlated electron systems, with particular attention to emergent
phenomena, such as superconductivity. A brief survey of techniques
and topics include:
Infrared microscopy
Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM)
Reflectivity and ellipsometry
High-Tc cuprates and iron-based superconductors
Topological insulators; Dirac and Weyl
Correlated electron systems (intermetallics, etc.)
Density-functional theory ab-initio calculations of electronic
band structure and lattice dynamics of perovskites and related materials
In order to conduct these studies instrumentation will be developed
for optical reflectance and transmission studies featuring lab-based as well as
synchrotron light sources. Some of the samples examined are
grown and
characterized at Brookhaven.

Last Modified:
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 04:22 PM
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